Ruby and Fuchsite

Ruby and Fuchsite


Location: India

Size: 2.63 x 1.86 x 0.94 inches

Ruby is July’s Birthstone

The Ruby crystals in Fuchsite makes a great contrast in normal light . The rubies also fluoresce a bright red under Long Wave UV light.

Photos 1 and 3 are under 365nm UV light from a VE UV Beast light. The white dot is the price sticker I have put on when I do shows.

Ruby is a pinkish red to deep-red colored gemstone. It is a variety of the mineral corundum (aluminum oxide) and is very hard (Mohs 9). Ruby is a very popular traditional jewelry gems and is very durable. Other colors of gem-quality corundum are called sapphires.

Fuchsite is a green variety of muscovite mica that often sparkles when the light hits it. Its green color is caused by small amounts of chromium.

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Ruby and Fuchsite IMG_3033.JPG

Ruby and Fuchsite

Ruby and Fuchsite (Copy) IMG_3305.JPG

Ruby and Fuchsite (Copy)

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Ruby and Fuchsite

Ruby and Fuchsite Sphere IMG_1713[1].JPG

Ruby and Fuchsite Sphere
