Fibrous Malachite - Congo

Fibrous Malachite - Congo


Location: L’Etoile Congo Mine, Lubumbashi, Haut-Katanga, Democratic Republic of Congo

Size: 4.95 x 2.93 x 1.38 inches

A large cabinet piece that shows both the top bottom and sides to give you an appreciation on how these pieces form. I typically sell out at my shows every year on pieces like this so I have not placed many on my website as often they are gone the first show I take them to but in restocking my website I wanted to add a few pieces.

Mineral Species Information

Malachite is a green copper carbonate hydroxide mineral that does not fade over time or when exposed to light and was one of the first ores used to produce the metal copper. It was one of the first ores used to obtain the metal copper. Malachite has been used as a sculptural material for thousands of years. Malachite forms at shallow depths in the oxidizing zone of copper deposits

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